Friday, 8 January 2010


Ack, oh dear, no blogging over the holidays.

Have started this year with much more enthusiasm for our upcoming essay than the Community Project we're meant to be getting on with.. I've chosen the question on feminist critiques on the way women are represented in contemporary visual media. In reality, I'm much more interested in how they are portrayed in advertising than in film, so I might need to tweak my question a bit..

The books I'm reading are generally interesting, though I can't help that sometimes women read too much into certain messages. Yes, prejudices, even presented subtly or unconsciously need to be challenged, but the sometimes it feels like some of the authors are making it seem like every second advert is condoning violence, objectification of women, alcoholism, etc. I might need to do some primary research and count up all the adverts I could pick away at and find something morally objectionable, but now I'm rambling a bit..

Anyway, this particular image in one of the books I'm reading did strike me as particular sinister and genuinely shocking. Even on the surface it's still advocating plying your woman with alcohol if they won't go along with what you say... before you even think about the other underlying suggestions of date-rape and violence..

Right, constructing an argument for my essay is not really what I should be doing on my blog. Unfortunately I haven't done any good drawings this holiday, so here are a few brief sketches from the zoo

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